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Visible Infrared Radar for Appearance Management (VIRGA)


The aim of the VIRGA project is to study a global, integrated stealth solution as a skin attached to the armored system. This skin will be made up of different layers of materials and coatings that meet the specifications of the situational context, i.e. to design an adaptive system in line with the different components of distance and associated means of detection. Technically, this means stealth over a wide range of the frequency spectrum. (Visible – Infrared – Radar).


The project complements private studies initiated by the CRM and John Cockerill to investigate concepts for adapting a surface’s thermal IR signature to the object’s environment. To meet the need for stealth in a wider spectral range, and to develop the flexibility of the solution in relation to a variety of environments, the CRM’s contributions have been extended to include AI topics, and a consortium has been set up to cover the entire solution manufacturing chain (paint formulator, applicator, integrator).


Funding Bodies