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CRM Group is ISO9001 accredited since 2006 for its applied research activities as well as all its tests, pilot line trials and calibrations. Our quality management system establishes the general requirements of competence, impartiality and consistency in the testing, calibration and research activities entrusted to us. We closely monitor the satisfaction of our customers to ensure a continuous improvement of our quality system. Relations between CRM Group activities and laboratories, its customers, the regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies are covered by this accreditation. 

You can find further information and our certificate on our Quality Management page.

Beyond that, CRM Group is accredited for specific characterization tests and calibration operations according to the spirit of the International standard ISO /CEI 17025. This is ensured following the official specifications of the BELAC system for the accreditation and mutual recognition of laboratories inside the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation).

Our most recent certificates and their validity can be found here and here 

CRM Group is accredited for several types of tests under the International standard ISO17025 in particular for: 

  • Mechanical tests on metallic materials: tensile at room temperature, hardness (Rockwell, Vickers and Brinell), toughness and bending; 
  • Chemical analysis of metallic materials: OES, C, S, diffusible H, Zn coating thickness, reaction to fire; 
  • Grain size determination of metallic materials; 
  • Non-destructive defect analysis: X-ray, magnetoscopy, die penetrant, ultrasound and visual inspection; 
  • Hydraulic testing of parts under pressure, He leakage testing and fire resistance testing of hydraulic components. 

Our accreditation reference under BELAC is 267-TEST and details of the competences covered by this scope are detailed here.

Some of these tests are also offered as an on-site service for parts that cannot be transported to our laboratory facilities. Please feel free to contact us for further information or a specific quotation through our contact form.

CRM Group offers both on-site and off-site calibration of tensile and compression test machines and their load cells in agreement with the requirements of standard NBN EN ISO 7500-1 and according the International standard ISO /CEI 17025. The range of load covered by our equipment is the following: 

  • Tensile test machine calibration from 0.1 to 1000 kN (dynamometry) 
  • Load cell calibration from 0.1 to 1000 kN (dynamometry) 

The class of accuracy we can offer is 0,5 following the standard NBN EN ISO7500. 

Our accreditation reference under BELAC is 267-CAL and details of the competences covered by this scope are detailed here.

Please feel free to contact us for further information or a specific quotation for a calibration intervention through our contact form.

Our pyrometer calibration laboratory is equipped with 3 high stable black body furnaces (emissivity better than 0.998), 2 standard pyrometers and 1 standard Platinum resistance thermometer allowing us to cover a unique scope from 50°C to 1600°C. All brands and all models of infrared pyrometers can be calibrated, including short and broad wavelength pyrometers, two colors and multiwavelength pyrometers as well as line scanners and thermographic cameras. On several types of equipment we can even tune the calibration curve if the required technical details and features are known by our pyrometer calibration team. The current accredited range covers temperatures from 300°C to 1600°C according the International standard ISO /CEI 17025. 

Our accreditation reference under BELAC is 267-CAL and details of the competences covered by this scope are detailed here.

Please feel free to contact us for further information or a specific quotation for a calibration intervention through our contact form.

SDG refers to the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to promote global sustainability. At CRM Group, sustainability is at the core of our mission and values. We believe that innovating and creating value for our customers, people, and the planet must be done sustainably, hence our tagline “For a better future”. 

To strengthen its commitment, CRM Group launched a three-year certification program in sustainable entrepreneurship in 2023, overseen by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Liège-Verviers. This program aims to achieve a certification from UNITAR, the UN agency for sustainable development. 

Throughout this program, we have initiated 30 sustainability actions, focusing on five priority SDGs identified by our team. In the first year, we successfully completed 10 actions, including evaluating our carbon footprint (including scope 3), reducing electrical consumption, enhancing biodiversity, and developing a rainwater collection strategy. These efforts are part of a collaborative approach inspired by the "Swarmwise methodology," empowering all employees to take the lead in our sustainability journey. Hence we have acquired our first certificate on SDG (called ODD – Objectifs de Développement Durables in French) from the CCI in 2024. Check it out here.

Yes, CRM Group is an accredited research center in Wallonia, recognized by the Walloon Region for its expertise and contributions to the steel industry and metal related sectors. All 19 accredited Walloon research centers are joint in the Wal-Tech npo allowing joint scientific and technological actions in a confidential environment towards the local industrial ecosystem. 

Yes, CRM Group is one of the 10 collective research centers, which were established under the De Groote Law of January 30, 1947. This law laid the foundation for collaborative research efforts as they were set up by the respective companies of a given sector to promote and coordinate technical progress, research and information to serve all companies in their sector across various industries. All research centers established under this law are also known as the Innovaders.

No, there is no entry or access fee to collaborate with CRM Group. However if you intend to work with us within the spirit of a bilateral partnership, we offer our CRM Group Membership that gives you access to additional advantages in exchange for an annual fee that depends on the type of company. We have approximately 45 CRM Group members which you can discover here. Make sure to reach out to us if you would like more detailed information about CRM Group Membership. 

CRM Group is actively participating in the follow-up, construction and execution of several regional funding programs. Hence we have a comprehensive overview of the potential calls available in Flanders and Wallonia either through the standard financing tools as well as the cluster oriented calls. We monitor the opportunities in the programs of MateriNex, Skywin, Greenwin, Pôle Mecatech, Logistics in Wallonia, the cluster Tweed and other relevant funding sources as a function of your localization like Cheques Technologiques in Wallonia, KMO portefeuille in Flanders or even Credit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) in France. 

Yes, we are currently active in more than 25 European projects of which 5 in the recent Horizon Europe program. To discover on which topics and with which partners we collaborate quickly check our Projects page and find your subject of interest thanks to our search engine. With the help of both Wallonia and Flemish NCP offices we monitor closely the call opportunities in line with the challenges of our partners and our competences. 

CRM Group is one of the founding partners of this collective coal and steel research program. On an annual basis we submit about 10 projects of which depending on the success rate 3 to 5 get accepted. Often we embrace the role of coordinator as we have extensive experience in mounting quality consortia and impactful research projects. We currently coordinate over 10 projects in different European research programs. 

CRM Group offers many different services in the field of (metallic) materials starting from a simple analysis over the evaluation of your current process or product up to the development a new product, process or prototype including the implementation of an industrial solution. 

In a first approach, next to literature review, we can help with material analysis through basic characterization in our 3 main laboratories: a chemical characterization lab, an optical analysis lab and a mechanical testing lab. This can already help to optimize material choice and performance, reduce costs, facilitate installation, reduce risks and define the best components for a required application within certain specifications. 

Can we help you ? Find out by challenging us with your problem and get in touch.

Several of our analysis tools are valid for measuring on site when your item that needs to be investigated is too large, too heavy or simple needs to be tested whilst in service. The techniques that are available at your premises are: XRF chemical composition analysis of metals, OES portable chemical analysis of several metals (steel, titanium, aluminum, nickel and copper), non-destructive testing with ultrasound and X-ray (only in Belgium) and general measurements of visual inspection of metallic parts or metal/coating thickness, roughness, hardness measurements. 

Can we help you ? Find out by challenging us with your problem and get in touch.

Next to standard mechanical and surface properties CRM Group also specializes in complex combined material properties like corrosion, forming, resistance to specific conditions (UV, high and low temperature, pressure, fire, …) that require more extensive testing and additional types of analysis like electrochemistry, surface property investigations, exposure to real-life outdoor conditions and physical metallurgy. The closer you approach realistic conditions the more valuable the results will be for practical implementation. 

Can we help you ? Find out by challenging us with your problem and get in touch.

When no obvious solution with existing materials or processes is found, a second step could be the development of new innovative product and/or process tailored to your needs including a support on tender invitations to acquire financial support allowing such research actions. 

To get in touch with our research teams, leave your coordinates here and we will come back to you as soon as possible. 

Competences such as prototyping, design and creation of simulation test benches are an essential advantage to the introduction and strategic positioning of an industrial project. With the involvement of our engineering service we can support your project with basic and detailed engineering specifications and even execution. In addition this can be complemented with the use or development of calculation tools, dedicated sensors and models to clarify complex physical phenomena. 

Can we help you ? Find out by challenging us with your problem and get in touch.

The key competences of CRM Group are oriented towards the analysis of different types of metals, understanding their behavior in complex environments and providing solutions for sustainable processing and use of metals in a broad range of products, processes and applications. In some cases we start from a blank page and will first test a concept in laboratory environment, to then connect the dots and look for relevant collaboration to bring the upscaled solution to an actual industrialized product or process. These solutions are implemented far beyond the steel world as is proven by our presence in multiple sectors.  

Examples of this broad range of competences can be found both in our Projects page and our Sectors page. 

Based on its experience in the steel industry our experts can offer you tailored workshop hosted by our scientific teams on topics all along the entire steel production route. Feel free to contact us with your specific request and we will offer you different levels on insight depending on the target audience in topics like steelmaking, steel forming, cooling technologies, materials characterization, metallographic preparation, surface properties, welding and many more. 

Please feel free to contact us for further information or a specific quotation on a dedicated training through our contact form. 

Yes, CRM Group has a scientific library with approximately 6,000 books and wide access to scientific journals, both in print and digital formats. 

If the book or article you need is not available, we can also obtain it from other institutions in Europe.  

To use this service, your company must be a member of CRM Group and send the references of the required book or article to the following address: 

Yes, we can conduct patent or bibliographic searches for your company if you are a member of CRM Group.  

Patent searches are performed using the Totalpatent platform, while bibliographic searches are conducted via Scopus.  

You will need to provide a detailed list of keywords by email. The results will be sent to you in either an Excel or PDF file, according to your preference.  

Additionally, we can set up patent watch or article monitoring services, providing you with periodic updates (monthly, bi-monthly, etc.) based on your chosen schedule. 

Yes, as a member of CRM Group, you can request copies of some specific scientific articles, whether recent or historical. Simply send the references (bibliographic details or a screenshot) to the following address: 

You can find all the necessary information here. If you're interested in becoming a member, please use our contact form to get in touch. 

No, it is not mandatory to become a CRM Group member to have access to our services. However if you intend to work with us within the spirit of a bilateral partnership, we offer our CRM Group Membership that gives you access to additional advantages in exchange for an annual fee that depends on the type of company. Make sure to reach out to us if you would like more detailed information about CRM Group Membership. 

We have approximately 45 CRM Group members which you can discover here. 

At CRM Group we believe that diversity and equal opportunities are a source of enrichment, innovation and creativity that enhance the quality of our research and development activity.


The CRM Group is committed to:


1. Exclude any form of discrimination based on sex, alleged race, color, ethnic or social origin, language, religious or philosophical belief, property, birth, disability or physical characteristic, current or future state of health, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation, and to respect and promote the application of this principle of non-discrimination both in relations with its employees and with its external partners.


2. To ensure that diversity is reflected as much as possible in its workforce at all levels and to guarantee equal opportunities at every stage of the employee's career and in the many areas of human resources management: remuneration, recruitment, training, skills development and career development.


3. To implement a modern human resources policy in which everyone feels valued for their merits and has the opportunity to develop their skills throughout their career.


4. To communicate the commitment to the implementation of an equal opportunities and diversity policy to its employees and inform them of the results of the actions taken.


5. Raise awareness and train employees in charge of human resources management and managers on the challenges and implementation of an equal opportunities and diversity policy.


6. Respect and promote this policy with regard to its external partners (customers, suppliers, residents, temporary workers, visitors, etc.)

At CRM Group, we believe that diversity and equal opportunities are a source of enrichment, innovation and creativity that enhance the quality of our research and development activity.

We believe that inclusion is an opportunity to make every employee a carrier of our company values.


The CRM Group’s Gender Equality Plan (GEP), which aims to promote gender equality and a culture of inclusion in its research and development activities, is part of :


• Diversity & Inclusion Policy


• Horizon Europe framework programme (2021-2027)


Want to know more? You can consult the document via this link