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Often a customer has a specific need or even an innovative idea. It is our competence to test the different feasibility aspects of this need or idea on both lab and pilot scale. Hence a thorough study of the process/product relationship can be performed outside of the eminent industrial risks. Extra characterization, alternative solutions, fast screening and modelling means can drastically decrease the time-to-market. Many industrial partners appreciate this specific upscaling skill leading to the implementation of breakthrough technologies. Thanks to new developments on augmented reality even human safety aspects can be integrated and reduce H&S risks upon industrial implementation.

One of the technologies industrialised in collaboration with CRM Group is the so-called JVD galvanization process. It is based on our combined experience in metallic coating and vacuum processes. Our semi-industrial pilot line implanted on the premises of ArcelorMittal Belgium at Ramet is a clear witness of this drive towards industrialization. The technology coats moving strips of steel in a vacuum chamber by vaporizing zinc onto the steel at high speed. The JVD line is used to produce coated steels for automotive and other industrial applications and offers multiple advantages in line with societal challenges like a lower environmental footprint thanks to higher yield and lower energy consumption. In addition it ensures an exceptionally uniform thin coating, saving on materials and is adapted to application on ultra-high strength steels for lightweight mobility solutions. A combination of characteristics fully in line with our Energy Shift and Circular Economy platforms.

In addition this pilot line, as well as many others, is equipped with in-house developed sensors improving the Digitalization potential of each of the projects run on the pilot lines. Next to the JVD line CRM Group manages several organic coating pilot lines and other vacuum or specific coating and pre-treatment coil-to-coil pilot lines allowing for upscaling of new processes. In parallel the options for training and safeguarding workers through augmented reality is explored. This ensures lower risk implementation from pilot to industrial level whilst integration digitalization aspects.

Augmented reality for industry

Press releases:
ArcelorMittal maîtrise le revêtement sous vide
e Roi à Kessales pour la révolution sidérurgique
ArcelorMittal lance le JVD, première mondiale à Liège

JVD Pilotlines



Phase transformation measurement for mechanical properties control and assessment


Phase transformation measurement for mechanical properties control and assessment


On-line laser cleaning of skin-pass rolls