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Calibration Services

Calibration and verification of key measurement tools used during your production process or quality control are vital for delivering high quality products to your customers. CRM Group offers both on-site and off-site calibration of tensile and compression test machines and their load cells and has an infrared pyrometer calibration laboratory.

Our accreditation reference under BELAC is 267-CAL and details of the competences covered by this scope are detailed here.

Please feel free to contact us for further information or a specific quotation for a calibration intervention through our contact form.

The range of load covered by our equipment is the following:

  • Tensile test machine calibration from 0.1 to 1000 kN (dynamometry)
  • Load cell calibration from 0.1 to 1000 kN (dynamometry)

Our agreement with the requirements of standard NBN EN ISO 7500-1 and according to the International standard ISO /CEI 17025.

The class of accuracy we can offer is 0.5 following the standard NBN EN ISO 7500.

Our pyrometer calibration laboratory is equipped with 3 high stable black body furnaces (emissivity better than 0.998), 2 standard pyrometers and 1 standard Platinum resistance thermometer allowing us to cover a unique scope from 50°C to 1600°C. All brands and all models of infrared pyrometers can be calibrated, including short and broad wavelength pyrometers, two colors and multiwavelength pyrometers as well as line scanners and thermographic cameras.

On several types of equipment, we can even tune the calibration curve if the required technical details and features are known by our pyrometer calibration team. The current accredited range covers temperatures from 300°C to 1600°C according to the International standard ISO /CEI 17025.



Phase transformation measurement for mechanical properties control and assessment


Visual assisted inspection of rolling stands in the hot strip mill for improved maintenance


Smart controlled actuator to homogenize the temperature of the transfer bar