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Material Characterization

From macro to nano level, we can help with material analysis through basic characterization in our 3 main laboratories: a chemical characterization lab for analytical chemistry, an optical analysis lab for metallography and surface investigations, and a mechanical testing lab.

This allows us to optimize material choice and performance, reduce costs, facilitate installation, minimize risks, and define the best components for specific applications within certain specifications.

For any standard request or a dedicated test you might not find here, feel free to contact us.

In our chemistry labs, we perform elemental and compound analysis on metal-related products, including raw and by-product materials, metal samples in either shape or format, and metallic or organic-coated parts. The scope is very large, ranging from elemental methods like ICP-OES, AAS, GC-MS, or determination of individual molecules like H, C, N, S, and O, over surface-related analysis like GDOES, Raman spectroscopy, or gravimetry to bulk methods like X-ray Fluorescence and OES-PDA. Dedicated techniques like hydrogen thermal desorption and several thermogravimetry tools like DSC or DTA complement our capabilities.

For several of these chemical analyses of metallic materials, CRM Group is accredited under the International standard ISO17025, in particular for OES, C, S, diffusible H, and Zn coating thickness. Find out for which ones here.

In our microscopy departments, we perform microscopy on all types of materials, not exclusively metals. This is combined with up-to-date preparation techniques and elemental chemistry crystallographic characterization. Both agile portable equipment or tools allowing larger size samples, as well as dedicated microscopes for specific investigations, ensure full characterization, no matter the size or shape of your sample.

Some are equipped for particle size analysis, and for grain size determination of metallic materials, CRM Group is accredited under the International Standard ISO17025. Our tools include several scanning electron microscopes with Energy Dispersive, Wavelength Dispersive, and Electron Back-Scattering Detectors, as well as a full pallet of optical microscopes to perform cross-section analysis and optical metallography with image analysis.

Thanks to motorized stages and profilometry, large-scale including 3D geometry measurements are possible. The scope is completed with nano-indentation and microhardness analyzers.

Mechanical properties measurements include ISO17025 accredited mechanical tests on metallic materials, more specifically tensile testing at room temperature with different geometries, hardness determination with Rockwell, Vickers, and Brinell indenters, toughness evaluation through Charpy V-notch pendulum, and bending tests.

However, at CRM Group, we often need to perform mechanical tests or other in-use property evaluations outside of the standard range. Several techniques are hence also available at elevated temperatures, such as hardness, fatigue, tension, and creep. We even combine mechanical properties and detailed imaging with our scanning electron microscope equipped with in-situ bending and tensile tests.

Feel free to challenge us and find out if we can help you with your mechanical property analysis.



Phase transformation measurement for mechanical properties control and assessment


Visual assisted inspection of rolling stands in the hot strip mill for improved maintenance


Smart controlled actuator to homogenize the temperature of the transfer bar