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Digital twins of laser processing for multi-capability manufacturing of complex components and certification (DILAPRO)


The overall objective of DILAPRO is to enable faster implementation of complex product manufacturing and to ensure that the complex products created by laser technologies such as additive manufacturing meet all industrial needs in terms of design, quality costs, and sustainability. DILAPRO will improve additive manufacturing and laser production of complex products by:

  1. Creating Digital Twin software that will qualify the materials properties of such products
  2. Developing tools for their digital certification
  3. Demonstrating their effectiveness in the energy sector and other sectors, identified by the project’s LASER community


To achieve the EU’s goal of making Europe “the first digitally led circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy”, major changes are needed across the manufacturing industry: efficiencies are needed in energy and material consumptions, new solutions to complex problems in certification and standardisation are required, and the European workforce must be upskilled to ensure both the competitiveness and sustainability of European manufacturing in the long term. The DILAPRO project contributes directly to all of these.


Funding Bodies